Mentor Tips And Tricks

Below are a few videos to help you sign up and succeed at being a Mentor with Real Life School! Your time, your experience, and your genuine care for our Members will be remembered forever….. Thank you!

  1. How to Become a Mentor

This step is simple and made easy. You have two options to sign up as a Mentor on the homepage. There is a button at the top that says “Become a Mentor” and this will lead you to the form page, and the next step is to fill out the required fields at a minimum. The other fields are optional, but will be very beneficial to fill out so others can get a full description of your background, and will be more inclined to book a 1 on 1 with you! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our administration team for further information or guidance!

2. How to Make and Upload My Intro Video

This step is not as daunting as you may think, and in fact it should be fun! You get a chance to talk about  yourself! Who you are, what you know, and why you like being a Mentor at Real Life School. This video shouldn’t be longer than 1 min, and don’t get frustrated. It may take you a few practice videos before you like what you see. The main objective of making your “Intro Video” is to show a potential Member, who you are! Members want to see a little bit about the our Mentors before they invest $50 to speak to someone. Be as genuine and authentic as you can be, people are starving for real information, from people who TRULY CARE! This is your time to shine! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our administration team for further information or guidance!

3. How to “Add My Availability”

This is a crucial step in becoming a Mentor and making yourself available to Members who want to talk to YOU! Everyone is familiar with how calendars work, so follow the steps in the video, BUT DON’T FORGET to hit “Click to Finish” after putting in the dates and times. If you forget this step, the system will not solidify your inputs. Hope this helps, and if you have questions, you can always contact us directly via email!

4. Someone just booked a “1 on 1” with you: What’s next?

Congratulations! This is awesome and going to be super rewarding to both of you. Now is your time to shine, and share what you know with someone who wants to learn it! Now, you just need to make sure the “meeting location” is set, and the time scheduled is correct. We’ve found that over communication is NEVER A BAD THING! So, once you get the Members email, follow up with them on the topic to be discussed, and confirm the time you’re meeting! When in doubt, double confirm!

5. Your “1 on 1” is complete: What’s next?

Once your 1 on 1 is complete, the Member will get an email requesting some simple feedback! This is the Members chance to give Real Life School some info as to how the 1 on 1 went, and also confirms to us that the meeting actually happened. Once the meeting is complete, we are notified and funds are released to your requested funds account that you set up on your profile. If the funds are not directly submitted, DO NO PANIC, it may take 24-48 yours for funds to hit your account. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to our administration team for any support that you need.

6. How can I increase my “1 on 1” meetings?

Ok, you are definitely hooked and we understand! Isn’t it a incredible feeling to be able to share your knowledge with others who are motivated to learn? Our recommendation is to talk in your community and among your friends about your experience with Real Life School. It’s our time tested advice that “word of mouth” is the best marketing tool. Another option to increase your profile and 1 on 1’s is to talk about how you help others, and cross promote Real Life School on your social media. If you don’t have social media, that’s completely fine. Then it would be best to stick to sharing with friends and family about what you are doing as a Mentor at Real Life School.

7. How to create a “Video/Course” on Real Life School.

Now this is the fun stuff. Once your profile is set up, an intro video is uploaded, your availability is open for Members, then it’s time to start sharing your knowledge under your profile. Our Mentors are not just experts in Money, Real Estate, and Life. What makes our company/family so incredible is that each Mentor brings a piece of knowledge and experience to society for other people who haven’t experienced what you have! SO, every video you make is something unique to you, and gives other Members to see what you know before scheduling a 1 on 1. The more videos you have under your profile, the more other Members can see who you are and what you know. As a result, it will become very obvious that scheduling a 1 on 1 with you will be WORTH IT! If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to our administration team for any support you need.